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College of Agriculture and Natural Resources College Display
This display was developed in the spring of 2009, in conjunction with the college’s Development Office, Maryland 4-H, University of Maryland Extension, and the AGNR Dean’s Office. It is a tabletop display, and has been used regularly at a number of college events, as well as statewide meetings and recruiting events. The design is intended to be used as an attended display, with ancillary promotional materials available for visitors.

Institute of Applied Agriculture Display
The IAA display was designed for the Insitute of Applied Agriculture, a 2-year program at the University of Maryland. This is a tabletop display, with images and bullet points on the display. It is designed to be used as either an attended or unattended display. It is a single piece construction, and a lambda print process was used to create the display. It is used regularly at recruiting events, and is kept on display at the IAA offices.
Maryland 4-H Clean Hands Display
The Clean Hands display was designed to be used as a backdrop for the Maryland 4-H’s Clean Hands Program. The display is used where volunteers give demonstrations on proper handwashing techniques as well as sanitary practices for the home. The setup includes the display, as well as a black light booth for demonstrating the efficiency of different cleansers and antiseptic solutions. This display is used regularly by 4-H volunteers at programs around the state.
University of Maryland Land Grant Display
This is a 4-panel display on a fabric board. It is designed so that panels can be updated or changed as needed–for example, during the 150th Anniversary, the UMCP logo was swapped out for the year and replaced by the 150th logo. The display describes the land grant system, the various acts and laws that set up the system, and the University of Maryland’s history as a land grant university.
Agriculture and Natural Resources Graduate Programs Pull-Up Display
This dispaly is a retractable floor display, which lists the various hard science areas the college offers in it’s graduate programs. It is designed to be used at trade shows and during presentations as a backdrop.
This display was developed in the fall of 2009, and is used by the Academic Programs office on a regular basis.

State Fair

This design was a series of 20 pull up vinyl panels,
5 of which are shown here. It is used as
a display wall (over 70 feet long) at the Maryland
State Fair and other major events.
PDF Version.
