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200+ oage manual dealing with writing grant proposals. Perfect bound, softcover. Sample chapter here.


Promotional brochure for International Progams in Agriculture & Natural Resources (IPAN). PDF Version.


4 panel brochure for the University of Maryland's Plant Science and Landscape Architecture program. The PDF of the entire brochure is available here.


Catalog for Kelim Jewelry.


Landscape IPM training manual. This book was used throughout the country for training in both a collegiate and professional setting.


Guide on the impacts of biofuel development and the use of crops as fuel on water quality. Produced for USDA. PDF Version.

Chesapeake Fields

Promotional brochure for the sustainable agricultre cooperative Chesapeake Fields. Full version unavailable.


Training guide for farmers using pesticides and fertilizers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Distributed by MCE and MDA.

Informational brochure for farmers on dealing with nearby residential developments. Full version available here.


Cover of a manual on selling and marketing of forestry products.


This brochure was the menu/program for an ice cream social, featuring a number of notable UM researchers, as well as exotic ice cream flavors prepared by the UM Dairy. It was part of the UM 150th Anniversary celebration. PDF is available here.


This publication was produced for the University of Maryland Extension service. It is a multi-page saddle stiched document with a hevy cover. The cover is printed in four colors on one side, and the rest of the document is in black and white. The document is available here.

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